Can you use booming Blade with extra attack?


Can you use booming Blade with extra attack?

Can you use booming Blade with extra attack?

Second, neither green-flame blade nor booming blade works with Extra Attack or any other feature that requires the Attack action. Like other spells, these cantrips require the Cast a Spell action, not the Attack action, and they can't be used to make an opportunity attack, unless a special feature allows you to do so.

Is booming Blade better than extra attack?

Booming Blade does better compared to non-Fighter martial characters who get less attacks, nearly matching the damage output of 2 attacks at 11th level without secondary damage and eventually surpassing it at 17th level.

Can I cast booming Blade as a bonus action?

Booming Blade is a great cantrip for anyone who can add damage onto a single attack, can cast it as a bonus action (Quickened Spell metamagic) or reaction (Warcaster feat), or has enhanced mobility to skirmish (e.g. the Mobile feat).

Do you add weapon damage to booming Blade?

@Bradleydoc, no you are not. 2 Weapon Fighting requires you to make an attack action to gain it's benefits. Booming Blade or Green-Flame Blade requires you to take the Cast a Spell action. So you do not fulfill the prerequisites to use 2 Weapon Fighting.

How many attacks do you get with booming blade?

No, You cannot combine attacks with booming blade. Beginning at 5th level, you can Attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn. No Attack action is taken, so no extra attacks can be used.

Does booming blade crit?

Is the 2ndary damage caused by Booming Blade doubled on a critical as well or only the initial damage? It will double the weapon dice and thunder damage of the initial hit. Damage from moving will be normal.

Does booming blade make the attack magical?

The booming blade spell isn't intended to make the required weapon attack magical.

Can you cast booming blade with a shield?

Since the only material component needed by the spell is your weapon, you don't need an arcane focus to cast it. In fact, since the spell doesn't have somatic components, you still have one spare hand to hold a shield while casting it!

How many times can I use booming blade?

No, You cannot combine attacks with booming blade. Beginning at 5th level, you can Attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn.

Does standing up trigger booming blade?

According to the implications of the Jeremy Crawford ruling below, standing up from prone does not trigger booming blade. This is because the trigger requires the target creature to move, but even though standing up costs the target movement it does not actually move the target anywhere.

Can you make an off hand attack with the booming blade?

No, you cannot make an off-hand attack with Booming Blade. Two weapon fighting lets you make an attack with your bonus action when you take the Attack action. Booming Blade is a spell, which requires you to have taken the Cast a Spell action, not the Attack action.

What happens when you use the booming blade spell?

As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell’s range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack’s normal effects, and it becomes sheathed in booming energy until the start of your next turn.

Can you use Green Flame Blade with extra attack?

Second, neither green-flame blade nor booming blade works with Extra Attack or any other feature that requires the Attack action. Like other spells, these cantrips require the Cast a Spell action, not the Attack action, and they can’t be used to make an opportunity attack, unless a special feature allows you to do so.

Do you have to make a successful combat roll to use booming blade?

While Booming Blade requires you to make a successful combat roll, it is still considered a spell. If you were to obtain an additional attack somehow, you will not be able to take it if you cast Booming Blade.

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