Para que serve o How many junto do there is ou There are?
- Para que serve o How many junto do there is ou There are?
- Qual a diferença no uso de There Is There are Para o verbo have?
- Qual a forma negativa de There are?
- Which is correct there is or there aren't?
- When do you use the word there isn't?
- When do you use there is or there is?
- Is there such thing as there are no people?

Para que serve o How many junto do there is ou There are?
Se “tem uma casa em tal lugar…” então there is a house… (Há uma casa…), se “tem um homem em algum lugar” então there is a man… (Há um homem…), e assim por diante. Já o there are só acontece quando for plural, como por exemplo: se “tem várias pessoas em algum lugar” então there are many people…
Qual a diferença no uso de There Is There are Para o verbo have?
Seu correspondente – “to have” – é aplicado somente ao sentido de posse quando se encontra na posição de verbo principal conforme a frase abaixo: – I have a big family. (Eu tenho uma família grande.) Quando queremos nos referir à existência de algo, utilizamos “there is” para o singular ou “there are” para o plural.
Qual a forma negativa de There are?
Forma negativa de there is: there isn`t. Forma negativa de there are: there aren`t.
Which is correct there is or there aren't?
There isn’t vs There aren’t. “There isn’t” is used for singular or uncountable objects in the negative: There isn’t time for this. (Uncountable “time”) There isn’t a hope for him. (Singular “hope”) There isn’t any jam left! (Uncountable “jam”) There’s isn’t a place for us to stay.
When do you use the word there isn't?
“There isn’t” is used for singular or uncountable objects in the negative: There isn’t time for this.
When do you use there is or there is?
“There is” (usually abbreviated to “there’s”) is used for singular or uncountable objects in the affirmative: There is something I have to tell you.
Is there such thing as there are no people?
There are no people here. (Plural “people”) “There isn’t” is used for singular or uncountable objects in the negative: There isn’t time for this. (Uncountable “time”) There isn’t a hope for him.