Is teemo good against Nasus?


Is teemo good against Nasus?

Is teemo good against Nasus?

Top Counter Champions to pick against Nasus Everyone knows him, everyone hates him. Teemo is a good answer to play against Nasus; you have a lot of Movement Speed through your W, you have good Utility and damage through your Q and R, but most importantly you're a Ranged Champion.

Who can defeat Nasus?

Other things that are good against Nasus: blinds and silences, or anything that counters auto-attacks. Shen can be a good pick, as long as you have a jungler that camps you, but Pantheon, Garen and Teemo are all good picks for similar reasons.

Can Nasus beat sett?

Sett wins against Nasus 50.59% of the time which is 1.86% higher against Nasus than the average opponent.

Is Nasus good against Shen?

Shen is forced to battle against Nasus in 22.1% of his matches. Shen has done a average job of countering Nasus. Normally, Shen wins a acceptable 50.0% of matches the champions oppose one another in. In Shen versus Nasus matches, Shen's team is 6.0% more expected to obtain first blood.

Who wins teemo vs Jax?

Teemo wins against Jax 52.27% of the time which is 3.76% higher against Jax than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Teemo wins against Jax 3.32% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Teemo build & runes against Jax.

Does Nasus counter Yasuo?

Yasuo does a ok job of countering Nasus. Normally, he wins a acceptable 50.0% of the time the champs face off with each other in. In Yasuo versus Nasus games, Yasuo's team is 1.0% more expected to earn first blood, implying that he most likely will be able to get first blood versus Nasus.

Is Nasus good 2020?

Nasus is fine, very good scaling through Q and 24% lifesteal at 18 though he's extremely susceptible to crowd control with no mobility so this means he can be kited, especially in the later stages of the game. Though with Ghost and other tunes this can be minimised to an extent.

Who is good vs Nasus?

Nasus Counter Pick
Win RateBan Rate
PantheonArtisan of War51.

Who wins Nasus vs sett?

Nasus wins against Sett 49.04% of the time which is 0.97% higher against Sett than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Nasus wins against Sett 0.57% less often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Nasus build & runes against Sett.

What should I build against sett as Nasus?

To have the best probability of beating Sett as Nasus, Nasus players should take the Fleet Footwork, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand, Second Wind, and Overgrowth runes. Of all the rune sets players chose for Nasus vs Sett face-offs, this sequence of runes yielded the best win rate.

Is it possible to counter Teemo with nasus?

To counter Teemo with Nasus is a difficult task. It takes precision, timing and decisiveness. It’is one of the most challenging lanes you can play in as a Nasus. Although difficult, it is not impossible. Laning, itemization and late game strategy is going to take you through to elo heaven.

Who is more likely to get first blood Teemo or Nasus?

Typically, Teemo wins a acceptable 50.0% of games the champions face off with each other in. In Teemo against Nasus games, Teemo’s team is 2.0% more likely to get first blood. This indicates that he most likely will get first blood versus Nasus.

What are the best runes to counter Teemo?

The best items to focus on in your Nasus versus Teemo build include Sterak's Gage, Dead Man's Plate, and Force of Nature. When Nasus included at least these three items in his build, he did significantly better when facing Teemo than with most other typical builds. Best Nasus Runes to Counter Teemo

What's the best way to play against nasus?

Teemo is a good answer to play against Nasus; you have a lot of Movement Speed through your W, you have good Utility and damage through your Q and R, but most importantly you’re a Ranged Champion. Poke him as much as you can, pressure him away from the Minions, and deny him as many Minions and Siphoning Strike stacks as possible.

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