Can Deadpool die from Thanos snap?

Can Deadpool die from Thanos snap?

But even with his famous ability to snap the Marvel Universe in half, Thanos still couldn't keep Deadpool from killing him... twice.

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Can you get both Triss and Yennefer?

Can you get both Triss and Yennefer?

WARNING: You can't romance both Triss AND Yennefer If you choose to try and romance both Triss and Yennefer, then you will end up losing both of them. That being said it is an entertaining story so if you aren't attached to either of them feel free to give it a try.

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Is the Mandalorian stronger than Darth Vader?

Is the Mandalorian stronger than Darth Vader?

Depending on which fans are asked, he's more powerful-- or just as powerful as Darth Vader. His exploits are even more impressive, going against the Jedi and the Sith, though he lost a lot to Mandalorians in war. ... Darth Revan's powers and skill in combat outclass most Sith Lords and Jedi in the Star Wars films.

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Does Emma Stone do her own singing?

Does Emma Stone do her own singing?

With her role in La La Land, Damien Chazelle's modern take on the classic musical, Emma Stone emerged as a true Hollywood triple-threat: not only can she act, she can also sing and dance.

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Quanto de VRAM tem a Intel HD 4000?

Quanto de VRAM tem a Intel HD 4000?

Memória RAM: 4GB. Tipo de memória: DDR3. Placa de Vídeo: Integrada ( Intel HD Graphics 4000 ) Memória Dedicada: 64MB.

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Does Gears of War 3 have multiplayer?

Does Gears of War 3 have multiplayer?

In Gears of War 3 you can play with 2 players locally through split-screen or with 4 players online throughout the entire story, a first for the entire series. There are also a few achievements attainable by completing the game in co-op.

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Is autism caused by FAS?

Is autism caused by FAS?

While alcohol exposure can cause neurodevelopmental conditions such as FAS, evidence does not support that it can cause autism. Babies and children with FAS can have autism-like symptoms, however. Research is ongoing to discover the direct causes of autism.

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Does Gliscor get fly?

Does Gliscor get fly?

Gliscor hangs upside down while sleeping, much like other bat-like Pokémon, and it is nocturnal. It is capable of soundless flight; however, its wings cannot be flapped to the same extent that other Pokémon's wings can. Like Jumpluff and Wingull, Gliscor uses winds and updrafts to glide from place to place.

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Can you get shiny Deoxys?

Can you get shiny Deoxys?

Sadly, Deoxys Defense Forme does not have a shiny available. This may come as sad news to some fans who were hoping to catch more Deoxys Defense Formes at the Pokemon GO Fest 2021 Raid Day.

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Can EUNE play with euw LoL?

Can EUNE play with euw LoL?

You can play with EUNE players if you are on EUW.

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Quanto tempo posso tomar o Cerazette?

Quanto tempo posso tomar o Cerazette?

Uma embalagem de Cerazette contém 28 comprimidos e deve-se tomar: 1 comprimido inteiro por dia, aproximadamente à mesma hora, de modo a que o intervalo entre dois comprimidos seja sempre de 24 horas, até terminar a cartela.

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How do you get Gardevoir male?

How do you get Gardevoir male?

Yes, there can be a male gardevoir. After it reaches level 30 kirklia evolves into gardevoir. If you use a dawn stone on a male kirklia it becomes Gallade. So there are only male Gallade and both genders of Gardevoir.

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Can Godzilla kill Mechagodzilla?

Can Godzilla kill Mechagodzilla?

Despite the brutal beating he took in Godzilla vs. Kong, the King of the Monsters truly is capable of defeating Mechagodzilla. Here's why. Regardless of the brutal beating Godzilla took in Godzilla vs. Kong, the Titan is still capable of beating Mechagodzilla in the MonsterVerse.

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Até quando pode juntar documentos no processo trabalhista?

Até quando pode juntar documentos no processo trabalhista?

De qualquer modo, como já mencionamos acima, mesmo os documentos nos quais se funda a ação, e que devem acompanhar a petição inicial escrita, por expressa determinação legal (CLT, art. 787), caso não a acompanhem, o juiz deverá determinar ao autor que os faça juntar no prazo de 10 dias (CPC, art.

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Is Eminem good at drawing?

Is Eminem good at drawing?

This may come as a surprise, but Eminem is a pretty talented drawer. The world hasn't been able to see too much of Eminem's art, but the few drawings that we have seen have been pretty impressive. Let's face it, some people are just more creative than others. And Eminem is definitely one of those people.

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