Quais são os poderes do Guile?


Quais são os poderes do Guile?

Quais são os poderes do Guile?


  • Poder.
  • Saúde.
  • Mobilidade.
  • Técnica.
  • Alcance.

Where do you use guile in Street Fighter?

You want Guile to hit the other fighter in the inner thigh/crotch area. Jumping Hard Punch or Hard Kick: Once your opponent gets used to you hitting them as they're jumping in, often times they'll try to do their attacks a little deeper or different distances to try and at least trade hits.

What do you need to know about Guile's moves?

Guile has many different ways of dealing with jump ins from other characters even when he doesn't have a Flash Kick charged. When you're attempting to use his anti air normal moves it's absolutely crucial that you have the right timing, distance and know which attack to use.

How does Guile make you a better player?

Being able to not only play a defensive game, but also applying some real solid offensive pressure with Guile will make you a much better player. Guile has a couple of moves which increase his mobility and help him control spacing, all the while letting him charge up for a Sonic Boom. They are:

What's the best way to use projectiles in Guile?

One of the biggest keys to Guile is timing your projectiles so you're always ready to throw one out. Using Light Punch projectiles will give you a little extra time to charge up for another Sonic Boom or Flash Kick because of how long they will stay on screen.

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