Can Goku go SSj3 against cell?

Can Goku go SSj3 against cell?

Then yes, he'd kill Cell. Super Saiyan 3 would just be extreme overkill. If Super Saiyan 2 Goku was just barely enough, Super Saiyan 3 Goku would be four times more than enough, since that's the power increase between the SSj2 and SSj3 forms.

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Can V see colors BTS?

Can V see colors BTS?

There are three different types of colour blindness and subtypes but none of which apply to him, according to a fan. There are fanfiction online about it but Taehyung himself did not speak colour blindness.

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Is Super Saiyan Broly good?

Is Super Saiyan Broly good?

Even though Broly doesn't have any damage cut, he is still surprisingly tanky. He has one of the highest HP stats in the entire game and has around 180,000 for both defenses.

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Como se diz bom dia em japonês?

Como se diz bom dia em japonês?

Ohayō Gozaimasu! (おはようございます) ❤ Bom Dia!

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Can Superman beat Broly prime?

Can Superman beat Broly prime?

The only way Broly can overcome the power difference between Superman and himself is by using the impossible energy he gets by going Legendary Super Saiyan. It is considered to be the purest Super Saiyan transformation in the anime, which means his power can increase endlessly.

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Qual o máximo que a pressão pode subir?

Qual o máximo que a pressão pode subir?

São considerados limites normais quando a Pressão Arterial Sistólica está abaixo de 130 mmHg e a Pressão Arterial Diastólica está abaixo de 85 mmHg. Níveis de pressão de 140x90mmHg ou superiores são considerados elevados e constituem a Hipertensão Arterial.

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Como Naruto tem o Sharingan?

Como Naruto tem o Sharingan?

O Sharingan é um dojutsu kekkei gekkai do mundo de Naruto, próprio do clã Uchiha. Isso significa que ele é um jutsu especial passado de geração em geração através da linhagem sanguínea do clã. ... Já no anime é o próprio Hagoromo quem desperta o Sharingan original.

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Can Britney Spears access her money?

Can Britney Spears access her money?

It's entirely possible. A conservatorship is like guardianship. However, it's typically reserved for the elderly or those with a mental or physical disability, preventing them from managing their finances and day-to-day life. Britney Spears' conservatorship prevents her from having access to her money.

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Can you get laid in RDR2?

Can you get laid in RDR2?

Much like the original Red Dead Redemption, sex and nudity are not featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. However, there are some scenes involving one of Arthurs former lovers.

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Is Carbink related to Diancie?

Is Carbink related to Diancie?

Diancie is born from a Carbink that undergoes a mutation. It can instantly create diamonds by compressing the carbon in the air. Diancie is the only known Pokémon that can learn Diamond Storm.

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Can I have Windows Defender and Avast at the same time?

Can I have Windows Defender and Avast at the same time?

Yes, they will coexist just fine. In fact, it's a good idea to augment Windows Defender with a good third-party antivirus program, and Avast is a good one.

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Who is Ateez main vocal?

Who is Ateez main vocal?

MembersNamePosition(s)Years activeWooyoung (우영)Main Dancer, Sub Vocalist, Visual2018–presentJongho (종호)Main Vocalist, Maknae2018–presentPre-debutJunyoung (준영)N/AN/A

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Como saber qual foi a porcentagem de um valor?

Como saber qual foi a porcentagem de um valor?

A porcentagem representa um valor dividido por 100. Dessa forma, falar 25% de um valor é o mesmo que dizer , ou seja, 25 dividido por 100. E, para descobrir o número exato de ausentes no evento, é só multiplicar o todo pela porcentagem. Dessa forma: 160 x 25% = 160 (25/100) = 160 x 0,25 = 40.

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Is a CVV 3 or 4 digits?

Is a CVV 3 or 4 digits?

The CVV is a three- or four-digit code that's printed on your credit card as a fraud-prevention measure. When you provide this number for an online or phone purchase, the merchant will submit the CVV when it authorizes the transaction.

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Can Goku beat Chi-Chi?

Can Goku beat Chi-Chi?

Chi-Chi and Goku's relationship goes way back to the start of the Dragon Ball series. Compared to martial arts and strength, Goku wins by a long shot, but when it comes to practical matters unrelated to fighting, Chi-Chi comes out on top.

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