Is there a PS1 emulator for Android?

Is there a PS1 emulator for Android?

The first thing you need to do if you want to play PS1 games on your Android is to download PS1 Emulator. There are a couple of PS1 emulators on the Play Store, but the best one according to me is an ePSXe emulator. ... The ePSXe emulator is very stable and runs the games without any lag or stuttering.

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Can cell transform into Super Saiyan?

Can cell transform into Super Saiyan?

Cell can go super saiyan After he exploded, when he regenerated, he was more powerful due to his saiyan cells. This means he can go super saiyan.

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Can Gohan still beat Cell?

Can Gohan still beat Cell?

At that point, Gohan has of course been injured saving Vegeta and states that his power has been halved by the injury, which should have put him at the same power level as his fully charged super saiyan form. Even then, he still manages to overpower and destroy Cell during their beam struggle.

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Can you play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 GB ram?

Can you play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 GB ram?

According to me, it is the best part of the modern warfare trilogy. Single-player and multiplayer modes are available for this game. This game has one of the best stories for a Call Of Duty game. A 4 GB ram could easily run this game.

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Will Boruto get Byakugan?

Will Boruto get Byakugan?

Though Boruto hasn't awoken his Byakugan yet, it's a definitive trait of the Hyuga half of him. Eventually, it will become a part of him. It's a powerful ability that will make him an even stronger ninja. Himawari may have received hers first, but it's only a matter of time before Boruto also gets his.

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Is Brandon Stark blind?

Is Brandon Stark blind?

Brandon Stark is not blind, he's just really good at staring. During an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, the 20-year-old actor revealed that he got so good at his trademark stare because he's really “completely blind” while filming the series.

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Will Bumblebee ever become a prime?

Will Bumblebee ever become a prime?

But some of the characters themselves tend to be more than meets the eye. In fact, they can become other Transformers. Megatron becomes Galvatron, Orion Pax becomes Optimus Prime, and Bumblebee becomes Goldbug.

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Is Broly stronger than Jiren?

Is Broly stronger than Jiren?

While Dragon Ball Super: Broly offers no clear answer as to which character is stronger, some evidence can be found by comparing some of the fights, which would indicate that Jiren is the strongest.

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How could Captain America lift Thor's hammer?

How could Captain America lift Thor's hammer?

How Can Captain America Lift Thor's Hammer? Simple: Steve Rogers is worthy. The inscription on Mjolnir reads “Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” It doesn't matter how strong you are, if you aren't worthy, you can't lift Thor's hammer, no matter how hard you try.

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Como conseguir o Rinnegan no Naruto tô Boruto Shinobi Striker?

Como conseguir o Rinnegan no Naruto tô Boruto Shinobi Striker?

Posicionar-se no primeiro nível de maestria com Pain permitirá que você desbloqueie o Almighty Push, uma habilidade Rinnegan e será o suficiente para atingir este nível para poder atingir o poder do Rinnegan em Naruto a Boruto Shinobi Striker.

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Was Bardock the first Super Saiyan God?

Was Bardock the first Super Saiyan God?

The first super Saiyan was Goku's father, Bardock. Much before that in the 'Dragon Ball Z: The Father of Goku' movie, he was the first one to transform into Super Saiyan form. ... So Bardock is not the second heir of Super Saiyan God. It looks like Yamoshi's spirit didn't find Bardock as a righteous heart.

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Can you get Dracovish?

Can you get Dracovish?

Dracovish cannot be encountered in the wild, not even through Max Raid Battles. Dracovish can only be obtained by giving the professor near Stow-on-Side: Fossilized Drake and Fossilized Fish. Check out our in-depth guide covering how to get every fossil and what each combination of fossils do.

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How is Batgirl able to walk again?

How is Batgirl able to walk again?

As the daughter of deceased Gotham commissioner, Jim Gordon, she had helped Batman as Oracle in the past. ... It was later revealed in the pages of Batgirl that Babs had undergone an experimental “neural surgery” which allowed her to walk again.

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Can Goku beat black beard?

Can Goku beat black beard?

Goku may be Dragon ball's strongest character, but he'd have trouble against some of these One Piece heavy hitters. Dude Naruto can even beat Blackbeard. ... However, Saiyan Saga Goku and beyond can pretty much solo One Piece.

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Does Bulma care about Goku?

Does Bulma care about Goku?

Once Goku became an adult, Bulma was amazed how tall and handsome he had become and stated that she could have fallen for him. When Goku became engaged to Chichi, Bulma was surprised but happy for Goku. Chichi later said she believed Bulma always liked Goku, despite the former's denials.

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