Is Dragon Ball coming back after super?

Is Dragon Ball coming back after super?

So far, Toei hasn't announced the return of Dragon Ball Super anime, but many have speculated that it will return in Winter 2021, three years after Dragon Ball Super: Broly premiered in Japan. Hopefully, the studio will make an official announcement by mid of 2021.

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Did Deadpool kill Captain Marvel?

Did Deadpool kill Captain Marvel?

Although his head normally has to be reunited with his body to heal a decapitation wound, he was able to regrow his head after having it pulverized by the Hulk in the graphic novel Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe.

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Can Alexa translate languages?

Can Alexa translate languages?

Amazon today announced a new Alexa feature, Live Translation, that will translate conversations between people who speak two different languages. ... Alexa will then automatically detect the language being spoken and translate each side of the conversation.

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Can you cheat on ClassMarker?

Can you cheat on ClassMarker?

ClassMarker offers the ability to enable printing of the question and results pages for test-takers. You can however disable printing as a preventative cheating measure.

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Can you use a Moon Stone on Eevee?

Can you use a Moon Stone on Eevee?

no you cant use a moon stone there are only c. espeons in this game just keep a normal evee.

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Quanto tempo o bebê toma banho na banheira?

Quanto tempo o bebê toma banho na banheira?

Ouça em voz altaPausarO limite de peso da banheira de bebê com suporte deve ser respeitado para garantir a segurança da criança. A banheira de bebê com suporte pode ser usada desde o primeiro banho e pode acompanhar o crescimento da criança até os 2 anos.

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Can Ash Charizard beat Mewtwo?

Can Ash Charizard beat Mewtwo?

No, Mega Charizard is not capable of defeating Mewtwo, this is what I feel, rest you never, a few good moves, and legendary Pokemon Mewtwo is down and out. Want to catch Mewtwo, then you've to be some of the weirdest locations across the globe.

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Can DIO Stand stop time?

Can DIO Stand stop time?

The World stopping time The World's signature power is its ability to stop time, allowing only itself, DIO and anyone with the same power, to act within the duration of stopped time. ... It is notable that DIO needs to consciously activate Time Stop, which means that surprise attacks can prevent him from stopping time.

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Can clownfish live with other clownfish?

Can clownfish live with other clownfish?

A lot of fish can live with Clownfish! Some suitable tankmates can be Mandarin Dragonet, Dartfish, Red Coris Wrasse, Yellow Tang, Basslets, Chromis Damselfish, Pygmy Angelfish, Butterflyfish, Pseudochromis, Blenny, Banggai Cardinalfish, etc.

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O que significa remição a execução e remição de bens?

O que significa remição a execução e remição de bens?

A remição é ato jurídico de resgate de bens da execução, seja pela satisfação do pedido pelo executado, seja pela substituição objetiva deles por dinheiro, pelo credor com garantia real, ou pelos credores concorrentes que hajam penhorado o mesmo bem, ou ainda pelo cônjuge, ascendentes ou descendentes, no caso de ...

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Is Broly really stronger than Beerus?

Is Broly really stronger than Beerus?

Although Broly is thought to be stronger than Beerus, it can't be denied that Beerus has powers, such as Hakai, up his sleeve which give him the edge over pretty much anyone, including Broly.

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Did Deadpool beat Wolverine?

Did Deadpool beat Wolverine?

6 HE BEAT: WOLVERINE A lot of fights Wolverine's won are due to his ability to sustain more damage than an opponent. That makes Deadpool a tough opponent for him, because Wade has arguably the strongest healing factor of all. ... On three separate occasions, Deadpool has beaten Wolverine.

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Is Black Adam stronger than Shazam?

Is Black Adam stronger than Shazam?

Shazam and Black Adam have the same powers and abilities, and they are both equally powerful, since both of their powers are practically infinite. Yet, due to having thousands of years more experience and being infinitely more lethal, we believe that – objectively speaking – Black Adam is the stronger one.

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Can you randomly evolve an Umbreon?

Can you randomly evolve an Umbreon?

No, an Eevee will only evolve into an Umbreon or Espeon if it has been walked as a buddy for at least 10km and is your buddy at the time you evolve it.

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Can Doctor Octopus remove his arms?

Can Doctor Octopus remove his arms?

Telepathic Control over Tentacles: Octopus can control the actions of his artificial arms psionically, even when they have been severed from his body and are separated from him by vast distances (a distance of 900 miles has been recorded).

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