Can Dragonair learn HM fly?

Can Dragonair learn HM fly?

Dragonair, the Dragon Pokémon. A Legendary Pokémon that can freely make it rain or snow. It's said to be able to fly, even though it doesn't have wings. ... Dragonair has the ability to manipulate the elements as it wishes.

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Can Eri give All Might his quirk back?

Can Eri give All Might his quirk back?

ERI can specifically target her power. While healing Deku, she doesn't reverse his memories at all, thus she doesn't reverse his entire body, only the damaged parts. This is extremely important!

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Can you breed a Zacian?

Can you breed a Zacian?

Both are genderless, so when it comes to Pokémon breeding, you cannot breed them. However, for those curious, legends state that Zacian and Zamazenta are either rivals or siblings, even though both are genderless.

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Can Blackbeard beat Kaido?

Can Blackbeard beat Kaido?

The Admiral of the Blackbeard Pirates, Marshall D. ... Blackbeard wields two Devil Fruit powers which include Paramecia type Gura Gura no Mi, and the Logia type Yami Yami no Mi. Claiming to be the strongest in the world, Blackbeard has a good chance of taking down Kaido in a fight.

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Can Ella see ghosts?

Can Ella see ghosts?

It also turns out that Ray-Ray is the only ghost Ella can see. Ella admits that she felt special as a kid that she can see ghosts, but didn't feel that way as an adult as it wasn't normal.

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Can Clark Kent fly in Smallville?

Can Clark Kent fly in Smallville?

Clark unofficially flew in the season four premiere, when he was reprogrammed as "Kal-El" by his biological father, but upon regaining his memory he forgot how to use the ability. In season six, Clark gained his super breath. By the series finale, Clark learns to fly.

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Can you watch Disney Plus on stream?

Can you watch Disney Plus on stream?

You can watch Disney Plus through many connected devices: Desktop web browsers. Mobile devices and tablets (Android and Apple). ... Streaming devices (Apple TV 4th Gen and later, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, Roku)

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Who can evolve with a dusk stone?

Who can evolve with a dusk stone?

Shiny Stones are used to evolve Togetic and Roselia. Dusk Stones are used to evolve Murkrow and Misdreavus.

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Até quando será o auxílio emergencial?

Até quando será o auxílio emergencial?

Governo confirma prorrogação. Extensão do auxílio emergencial é avaliada para 2022. Durante o mês de julho, o governo federal confirmou que irá manter o projeto em funcionamento até o mês de outubro deste ano.

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Can mechagodzilla beat Godzilla?

Can mechagodzilla beat Godzilla?

Kong, the King of the Monsters truly is capable of defeating Mechagodzilla. Here's why. Regardless of the brutal beating Godzilla took in Godzilla vs. Kong, the Titan is still capable of beating Mechagodzilla in the MonsterVerse.

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Vai ter o auxílio emergencial 2021?

Vai ter o auxílio emergencial 2021?

O Auxílio Emergencial 2021 foi prorrogado por mais três meses: agosto, setembro e outubro. ... A extensão do Auxílio Emergencial em 2021 tinha a previsão inicial de ser paga em quatro parcelas e agora chegará a sete, atendendo às famílias mais vulneráveis que enfrentam dificuldades em razão da Covid-19.

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Can you breed Pikachu and Eevee?

Can you breed Pikachu and Eevee?

Evolve it into a Pikachu, then breed it with a female Eevee. You should get an Eevee that knows Wish, which it doesn't usually learn by leveling up or by TM.

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Can Dr Doom beat Darkseid?

Can Dr Doom beat Darkseid?

Doctor Doom is one of the most formidable villains to exist in any universe but he's still just a man and that's his downfall against the Lord of Apokolips. ... While Doom has been able to overcome powerful beings in the past, Darkseid and all he can bring to bear would allow him to destroy Marvel's powerful being.

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Quantos anos a ERI?

Quantos anos a ERI?

AboutNomeEriIdade14 anosGêneroFemininoFamília--IndicaçãoKatsuki Bakugou

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Can day traders become millionaires?

Can day traders become millionaires?

If you want to really make a lot of money you'll probably have to establish multiple streams of income and invest some of what you make. If you just day trade you can become a millionaire over a number of years…but only if you save, don't rack up debt, and invest some of your proceeds…just like people in normal jobs.

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