Can someone with Aspergers feel empathy?

Can someone with Aspergers feel empathy?

Do people with Asperger's have empathy? Contrary to popular belief, people with Asperger's do have empathy. They care about how others are thinking and feeling but they often have difficulty putting themselves in other people's shoes. This is a skill that can be learned over time.

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Como fica as férias com o contrato suspenso?

Como fica as férias com o contrato suspenso?

Dessa forma, o período aquisitivo recomeça a contar após o término da suspensão. Por exemplo, um trabalhador que teve uma suspensão de contrato por 60 dias terá seu período aquisitivo acrescido de mais 60 dias (será, portanto, de um ano e dois meses, a contar do início do trabalho ou do último período de férias).

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Até quando vai o auxílio emergencial do Brasil?

Até quando vai o auxílio emergencial do Brasil?

Benefício continuará a ser pago até outubro O presidente Jair Bolsonaro assinou nesta segunda-feira (5) o decreto que prorroga por três meses o pagamento do auxílio emergencial à população de baixa renda afetada pela pandemia da covid-19. Com isso, o benefício, que terminaria agora em julho, será estendido até outubro.

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Does Boruto learn snake sage mode?

Does Boruto learn snake sage mode?

Keeping that in mind, it isn't too hard to see that Boruto can eventually learn the Sage Mode as well. He certainly does have all the prerequisites for this technique and only needs to train hard to pull it off.

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How many people does it take to beat a level 4 raid?

How many people does it take to beat a level 4 raid?

Rare (Yellow) Raid Egg FAQ Tier 4 bosses are so overpowered that its required to raid with at least 2 Trainers (more is recommended) to get them down with relative ease.

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Will Bucky Barnes Age?

Will Bucky Barnes Age?

His best friend was born James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes on Ma. To compute, the year they are currently in is 2023 making Bucky 106 years old, and Steve 105 years old.

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Can I run mw3 without graphics card?

Can I run mw3 without graphics card?

Only if your current cpu has onboard graphics. If not, then no.

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Does Boruto learn purple lightning?

Does Boruto learn purple lightning?

While it's only been mentioned in the Boruto manga, Boruto has the ability to use Lightning Release: Purple Electricity. This powerful technique was used and invented by Kakashi Hatake. ... Kakashi was also able to use this technique by letting it flow through spilled alcohol.

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Can Hela beat Thanos in Asgard?

Can Hela beat Thanos in Asgard?

Thanos would not lose to Hela. But that was because Surtur had a specific power increase based on his destiny to destroy Asgard once there, and Asgard was her power source. If Hela had fought him outside of Asgard she would have destroyed him. Although at that point Thanos did already have the power stone.

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Can Bitdefender be trusted?

Can Bitdefender be trusted?

Bitdefender is one of the best antiviruses on the market in 2021. It provides advanced malware protection and a ton of additional internet security protections, all inside an intuitive user interface. ... Bitdefender also has more additional features than almost any other antivirus (and all of the extras work really well).

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Could Aquaman beat Superman underwater?

Could Aquaman beat Superman underwater?

While he is not as strong as Superman, Aquaman was able to take repeated punches from Superman and keep fighting during The Drowning - the storyline that kicked-off the DC Rebirth Aquaman series. ... Thankfully, Aquaman does have one advantage Superman can't counter - access to magical weaponry.

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Do Ankylosaurus get more metal?

Do Ankylosaurus get more metal?

Carrying the opposite gender Ankylosaurus provides a mate boost to the one you're gathering metal with, providing a 33% bonus in damage, and thus increasing the yield of metal.

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How do I increase my FPS on CEMU?

How do I increase my FPS on CEMU?

3:1410:27Cemu Emulator | How to Increase FPS in ANY Game! - YouTubeYouTubeInício do clipe sugeridoFinal do clipe sugeridoLet's just make it a little space here and this is the command that we're going to use control VMoreLet's just make it a little space here and this is the command that we're going to use control V sync frequency equals. And this number can be 480 try and keep it in a logical multiply.

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What superhero can beat Captain America?

What superhero can beat Captain America?

Luffy could easily take down Captain America. Luffy's devil fruit powers, which turned his body into rubber, make him immune to a large majority of physical attacks. The only ways to break through his natural defense are with Haki, which Captain America doesn't possess, or a blade of some kind.

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Will Albedo and Ainz have a child?

Will Albedo and Ainz have a child?

No Ainz can't have children, but in a way he can make them.

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