Can PS2 games run on Android?

Can PS2 games run on Android?

1. DamonPS2 Pro - PS2 Emulator for Android. Hands-down the most versatile PS2 emulator for Android that we could find, DamonPS2 is the whole package. Designed to be a platform for you to easily load, manage, and play PlayStation games, DamonPS2 works like a charm.

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Is Sylvanas stronger than Arthas?

Is Sylvanas stronger than Arthas?

Both of these characters are too overpowered and can fatally injure each other. Most of the player base believed that Arthas would win for sure because of the Frostmourne but after Sylvanas killed Bolvar they're not so sure.

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Can a 10 year old watch the greatest showman?

Can a 10 year old watch the greatest showman?

Age Appropriate For: 10+. This musical acts somewhat like a biopic of P.T. Barnum, portraying the man who helped popularize the spectacle of the “freak show” and circus in a very positive light; how much you know about what Barnum actually was like will color your impression of the film.

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What are the side effects of Botox in the bladder?

What are the side effects of Botox in the bladder?

The most common side effects after a BOTOX® treatment were: Urinary tract infection (18% vs 6% with placebo) Painful or difficult urination (9% vs 7% placebo) Temporary inability to empty your bladder, which may require the use of a self-catheter (6% vs 0% placebo)

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Can Boruto go full Nine Tails?

Can Boruto go full Nine Tails?

Boruto will not get the Nine-Tails because he already possesses something unique to him, i.e., Jougan and Karma. The series will be more about how he develops his powers, rather than getting Kurama and becoming Naruto version 2.

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What happens if you 100% Bowser's fury?

What happens if you 100% Bowser's fury?

As you collect the 100th Cat Shine, you will be able to fight against Bowser for the final epic battle. Once you have succeeded, a cutscene will play that will then be followed by the credits.

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Does Android 16 come back to life?

Does Android 16 come back to life?

Android 16 was killed by Cell in Dragon Ball Z, but it's possible that he was secretly revived by the Dragon Balls, despite his robotic nature. Android 16 is the only member of the Cell Saga's android trio who has yet to return. ...

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É preciso ter faculdade para entrar na Polícia Federal?

É preciso ter faculdade para entrar na Polícia Federal?

Ensino superior Para se tornar policial federal é necessário possuir um diploma em alguma graduação. O cargo de Delegado, por exemplo, exige que o candidato seja formado em Direito.

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Em quais locais o mosquito da dengue põe seus ovinhos?

Em quais locais o mosquito da dengue põe seus ovinhos?

O A. aegypti põe seus ovos em recipientes artificiais, tais como latas e garrafas vazias, pneus, calhas, caixas d? água descobertas, pratos sob vasos de plantas ou qualquer outro objeto que possa armazenar água de chuva. O mosquito pode procurar ainda criadouros naturais, como bromélias, bambus e buracos em árvores.

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COMO USAR O Sticky Notes no celular?

COMO USAR O Sticky Notes no celular?

Como fazer notas de Post-it no celular Toque no ícone '+' no centro da tela para digitalizar ou criar um post-it. Para digitalizar, selecione a câmera, centralize o post-it físico e tire uma foto. Para criar o bilhete na forma virtual, toque no quadradinho com '+'; 2.

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How do you lift up hooded eyelids?

How do you lift up hooded eyelids?

9 Pro Makeup Tips for Hooded EyesLine your upper lid only with a fine-point eyeliner pen. ... Blend colors light to dark at an upward angle. ... Prime your eyes to minimize transfer. ... Keep the hood light. ... Give your brows some attention. ... Contour your cheeks to lengthen your eyes. ... Use white eyeliner to make eyes look bigger.

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Can Android users see iPhone emojis?

Can Android users see iPhone emojis?

You can still view iPhone emojis on Android. This is great news if you're making the switch from iPhone to Android and want access to your favorite emojis. While you can root your Android device using an app like Magisk Manager, there are much easier ways.

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Is Apex Legends already dead?

Is Apex Legends already dead?

The game came into existence without prior marketing from Respawn. ... Since then, there have been no official inputs regarding the active player count of Apex Legends from Respawn or EA. According to a report by Statista, the title reached 70 million registered users in October 2019.

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Can Broly go regular Super Saiyan?

Can Broly go regular Super Saiyan?

No. Movie 8 Broly was born with higher power level. Legendary Super Saiyan born once in thousand year. For Canon Broly he harness the power of Oozaru in his base form.

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Can Airbnb Host give full refund?

Can Airbnb Host give full refund?

If your Host cancels your reservation, you will always get a full refund, including all fees and taxes. You can send and receive money through the Resolution Center.

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